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ModusVivendi ModusTollens


Bill wants no change, because each unanticipated change is terrifying. Even though good may reside in the unknown the potential loss of identity when facing the unknown is terrifying. So Bill travels. When travelling Bill feels there is no change because Bill defines Bill, and so Bill is and is not Bill. Meaning is between being and not being, it is contrast. So he feels good, but between being and not being Bill, Bill loses sight of contrast. So Bill feels he must define Bill in order to continue to be not Bill. He stops travelling. Bill is again a person, but who is Bill? Who contrasts Bill with not Bill? Bill can not decide. Soon Bill no longer wants contrast. Bill wants no change, because each unanticipated change is terrifying. Even though good may reside in the unknown, the potential loss of identity when facing the unknown is terrifying. So Bill travels. When travelling Bill feels there is no change, because Bill defines Bill, and so Bill both is and is not Bill. Meaning is between being and not being, it is contrast. So he feels good, but between being and not being Bill, Bill loses sight of contrast. So Bill feels he must define Bill in order to continue to be not Bill. He stops travelling. Bill is again a person, but who is Bill? Who contrasts Bill with not Bill? Bill can not decide. Soon Bill no longer wants contrast... Bill wants no change...

  © 2012 Copyright Florian Kynman. All rights reserved.